USB Stick with leather cover 4GB

Catalog: 2489

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2489: USB Stick with leather cover 4GB

USB flash drive in a leather case, with 4GB storage capacity. Your logo will be engraved on the leather. Deliveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees.

  • Dimensiuni: 9 × 2,8 × 1,6
  • Dimensiune personalizare: 2,5 × 0,5
  • Metode de personalizare: Gravura 2 (G2) , Tampografie 2 (T2)
  • Tara de origine: CN
  • Numar tarif vamal: 85235110
  • Inner carton: 300 buc
  • Export carton: 300 buc | 7 kg | 33,8 x 23 x 23 cm

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